Why I'm Here

I love to build reliable software while learning about new tech and best coding practices. Problem solving lures me in and makes the day fly by. Please checkout a few of the apps I've created in my free time.

Sample Projects

Crunchy - E commerce clone

Tech Stack: React, Typescript, Postgres, Node, Express, React-Router, React-Context, Tailwindcss, JWT, bcrypt, PopperJS

Deployed with Railway

Star Scout - Star Wars character lookup

Tech Stack: NextJS, Jest, React Testing Library, Typescript, Tailwindcss, Swapi API

Deployed with Vercel

Nutty Mines - Memory game

Tech Stack: React, Typescript, Github Pages, Font Awesome, Animate.css

Deployed with Github Pages

Gift Card Store - Exchange points for digital gift cards

Tech Stack: AWS(Lambda, DynamoDB, APIGateway, AppSync, Apollo, IAM), React, Redux, GraphQL, Emotion, Tailwindcss

Deployed with Netlify


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    React, Typescript, AWS, NextJS, GraphQL Redux, Node, Netlify, Cypress, Jest, React Testing Library, Express, Postrgres, Tailwindcss, Responsive Web Design, Emotion, SwiftType, React-Router, React-Context, Github

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